Broxham Football Players are athletes who are looking to take their community level football to the next level. We offer year-round training with an experienced coaches on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Our older age groups also train on a Wednesday evening.
Each year we aim for 50+ games for our athletes. To achieve this and a year round program we collaborate with BENTLEIGH GREENS SOCCER CLUB. We form our teams for the 12 month program in October (trials for these teams are in September). Players remain with their team and coach for the next 12 months. For the regular FV season the teams play for Bentleigh Greens Soccer Club. Outside of the regular FV season with Bentleigh Greens SC, Broxham Football players are entered into select tournaments, competitions and Gala Days, playing as Broxham Football.
Coaches also run 1 on 1 training for those that require more. The curriculum, training program and games are all chosen and planned by head of football Leigh Broxham.
Trials for each year are held in September and the new intake of players commence in October of each year. The Broxham Football Academy is for players who are committed and ready to take their football to the next level.

If you would like more information, please reach out via email.